In mainline continuity, is it possible for a Green Lantern ring to be removed without the wearer's consent (e.g. by slight of hand or brute force)?
The reason I bring this up is that an odd situation of this occurred in All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder #9 (infamously remembered as the issue where Batman and Robin painted their bodies and house yellow). Robin manages to steal Hal Jordan's Green Lantern ring without him realizing it. This seems a bit strange to me, as I would have figured that this would be a pretty big weakness for a Green Lantern to be able to have their ring removed so easily, much less without the wielder even being aware that it was removed.
Since the series is outside of the normal DC Universe continuity, I'm not sure if this is something that was invented for the series or if it is an established weakness. Are there instances in mainline continuity in which the Green Lantern ring has been removed without the wearer's consent? Or is this something that was unique to the All Star series?
In "The new 52" Batman does remove GL's ring, explaining to GL that he was not concentrating.
Based on the 2012 graphic novel, “Justice League: Origin,” by Geoff Johns & Jim Lee, JUSTICE LEAGUE: WAR provides a glance into the world before the Justice League was created, and offers the initial animated incarnation of DC Entertainment’s “The New 52.”
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