An answer here got me looking for the answer to this question.
I did find the related question Why are blaster bolts in Star Wars moving slower than speed-of-light? but it does not seem to address the reaction speed of the Jedi.
Jedis use Light Sabers to block things coming at them FAST while I am not an expert on how fast those might be coming. It would seem they would need to move at or near the speed of light to block some of the weapons. Can a Jedi move faster then the speed of light?
Remember what Qui-Gon said about Anakin's Pod-racing skills in Phantom Menace:
He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait.
What you're perceiving as a reaction to a shot is actually the Jedi knowing about the shot before the shot is fired. It doesn't matter how fast a blaster travels if the Jedi is prepared to defend against the shot before the trigger is even pulled.
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