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harry potter - What is the difference between Diffindo and Sectumsempra?

In the Harry Potter books, Diffindo is called the 'Severing Charm' and it’s most commonly used to cut ropes and the like. However, in the last book Hermione uses it on Ron but misses, creating a 'slash in his jeans' and his knee gets cut, causing him to 'roar in pain'.

We've only seen Sectumsempra used once on screen when Harry directly uses it on Malfoy in the sixth book, but there it's mentioned that he is 'waving his wand wildly'. Wouldn't Diffindo, if used in such a fashion also cause a similar effect? Similarly, if it was able to cut Ron, it would also be able to, say, chop off an ear (George's)?

In that case, how are these two spells different, except for Sectumsempra seemingly used exclusively to hurt humans?


While Diffindo and Sectumsempra both can be countered by other spells, Diffindo is far more easily countered. Reparo, a relatively common spell, can completely reverse its effect when used once.

“He pulled the old copy of Advanced Potion-Making out of his bag and tapped the cover with his wand, muttering, ‘Diffindo!’ The cover fell off. He did the same thing with the brand new book (Hermione looked scandalised). He then swapped the covers, tapped each and said, ‘Reparo!
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 11 (Hermione’s Helping Hand)

However, when Harry cast Sectumsempra on Draco, Snape had to use the counter-curse multiple times.

“Pushing Harry roughly aside, he knelt over Malfoy, drew his wand and traced it over the deep wounds Harry’s curse had made, muttering an incantation that sounded almost like song. The flow of blood seemed to ease; Snape wiped the residue from Malfoy’s face and repeated his spell. Now the wounds seemed to be knitting.”
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 24 (Sectumsempra)

After repeating the counter-curse three times, Snape still had to take Draco to the hospital wing, and that was with Harry not even knowing what the spell did and never having cast it before. Presumably it could be even more damaging when used by someone experienced, and may have more severe effects in that case.

“When Snape had performed his counter-curse for the third time, he half-lifted Malfoy into a standing position. ‘You need the hospital wing. There may be a certain amount of scarring, but if you take dittany immediately we might avoid even that … come …”
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 24 (Sectumsempra)

Additionally, it takes that specific counter-curse to even have a chance of healing the wounds Sectumsempra creates. When George’s ear is cut off, his mother (and the rest of the Order) can’t make it grow back because Sectumsempra is dark magic.

“Mrs Weasley had staunched his bleeding now, and by the lamplight Harry saw a clean, gaping hole where George’s ear had been.

‘How is he?’

Mrs Weasley looked round and said, ‘I can’t make it grow back, not when it’s been removed by Dark Magic. But it could have been so much worse … he’s alive.”
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 5 (Fallen Warrior)

Though they both have the effect of cutting, Diffindo is more easily countered and doesn’t leave the cuts is makes as difficult to heal by the usual magical methods.

As is seen when Hermione accidentally cuts Ron with it, Diffindo, the Severing Charm, can possibly cause pain when used on flesh.

D – Diffindo,’ she said, pointing her wand at Ron, who roared in pain as she slashed open the knee of his jeans, leaving a deep cut. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, Ron, my hand’s shaking! Diffindo!’ The severed ropes fell away. Ron got to his feet, shaking his arms to regain feeling in them.”
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 9 (A Place to Hide)

However, there’s a way to use it painlessly for amputation, since Newt Scamander mentions that owners of Crups are required by law to use a painless Severing Charm to remove their tail.

“Crup owners are legally obliged to remove the Crup’s tail with a painless Severing Charm while the Crup is six to eight weeks old, lest Muggles notice it.”
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

There doesn’t seem to be any evidence that Sectumsempra can be used painlessly, though it’s impossible to rule it out entirely, it seems unlikely from what’s known about its effects.

When George’s ear is cut off by Sectumsempra, his mother mentions that the spell used was Dark magic.

“Mrs Weasley looked round and said, ‘I can’t make it grow back, not when it’s been removed by Dark Magic. But it could have been so much worse … he’s alive.”
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 5 (Fallen Warrior)

By contrast, Diffindo doesn’t seem to be classified as Dark magic. Ron uses it in fourth year to remove lace from the secondhand dress robes his mother bought him. It’s highly unlikely he’d use Dark magic, especially for such a relatively simple task (easily accomplished by scissors) in a fairly non-urgent situation.

“In a desperate attempt to make them look more manly, he used a Severing Charm on the ruff and cuffs. It worked fairly well; at least he was now lace-free, although he hadn’t done a very neat job, and the edges still looked depressingly frayed as they set off downstairs.”
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 23 (The Yule Ball)

Sectumsempra therefore would be classified as Dark magic, while Diffindo would not. There are practical differences in how Dark magic affects what it’s used on, like its making the wounds it creates difficult to heal, which differentiates the two spells in their respective effects. Also, its classification as Dark magic would make certain wizards who’d willingly use Diffindo unwilling to use Sectumsempra, even for the same things they’d use Diffindo for, because they don’t want to use magic considered Dark.


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