What prevents ships firing phasers and photon torpedoes through a cloak? I have yet to see a episode where this is brought up. It may have been mentioned in The Undiscovered Country, as I know there is a kingon ship that does it, but I have not seen that movie in years. Is it addressed there or somewhere in one of the series'?
A cloak requires the dampening or absorbing of all internal energy emmissions while simultaneously rebroadcasting all background and directed energy emmisions "through" the ship; not a simple task.
Preparing to fire weapons, even torpedos, requires taking multiple actions that would be extremely diffcult to mask or play into the backgound sound. From charging weapon capacitors to acquiring an active target lock it is very likely that the target ship would pick up on even small clues (sudden unexplained miscellaneous energy spikes, active sensor emmissions with no apparent point of origin etc) and take appropriate precautionary measures such as raising their shields.
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