How did Dumbledore find Fawkes. Did Dumbledore have Fawkes even when working as a Transfiguration teacher or acquired it after having Headmaster position.
They both have a very strong bond between them. When did Dumbledore gain this.
Update: Dumbledore says that Ollivander wrote to him when Harry's wand was purchased; if Dumbledore did not have Fawkes before 1938, he would not know about the two feathers being in the wands, so Fawkes and Dumbledore must have met and bonded before 1938
“My wand's feather came from Fawkes?” Harry said, amazed.
"Yes,” said Dumbledore. “Mr. Ollivander wrote to tell me you had bought the second wand, the moment you left his shop four years ago.”
-Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, Chapter 36-The Parting Of the Ways.
Update 2: JKR says that Dumbledore was the only owner of Fawkes. So it is to be believed that Fawkes was a wild Phoenix before its bonding with Dumbledore.
Peter Humphreys for BBC Newsround: Who did Fawkes previously belong to and will he play a vital role in the next book?
JK Rowling: I am not going to answer about the role in the next books, which probably gives you a big clue, and he has never been owned by anyone but Dumbledore. You will notice that when Harry goes back in the Pensieve in this book, Fawkes is never there, and no, I am sorry, not in this book, I take that back. When Harry has previously seen the study with a different headmaster he saw it with Dippet and Fawkes was not there then. Fawkes is Dumbledore's possession, not a Hogwarts possession.
There is no canon answer.
You may be interested in some of the theories discussed in this Reddit thread. In particular, this comment is quite telling:
I read a fanfic where fawkes came to him before his battle with Grindelwald, in response to his feelings about having to face his old friend, and it's the only reason he won.
The fact that fanfics have been written to explain the reason for Fawkes's loyalty to Dumbledore suggests there's no pre-existing canonical answer.
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