I remember reading some of my uncle's old comics a long time ago - these were from the 80s or earlier. One scene that stands out is a scene where a bunch of Marvel heroes were in a large alien base. I seem to recall that it was abandoned and they were using it as their base at the time.
Spider-Man is crawling along the ceiling, wondering about what all the pipes are for (and notes that they make crawling on the ceiling fun or challenging, and are good for hiding) when he overhears the X-Men planning to leave the base to join with Magneto.
Spidey is detected (I think by Prof X) and proceeds to open up seven kinds of beating on the X-Men during his escape, and is about to tell Captain America what he heard when Xavier blanks out his mind.
I think Doom was involved somehow, too.
Does anyone recognize this scene? What comic was it in?
This happened during the original Secret Wars limited series. Doom wasn't in this scene, though he was in other parts of the story.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars; volume 1, issue 3 of 12; July 1984:
There had been friction between the X-Men and the other heroes. Rogue in particular felt the Avengers distrusted her; understandable, she had recently been a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Spider-Man had been exploring the building they were using as a headquarters, and he happened across the X-Men--Wolverine, Professor X, Cyclops, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Rogue--discussing the situation, indicating that they were about to leave to join Magneto. Xaviar sensed Spidey eavesdropping, and he attacked them, possibly thinking he needed to do so to escape and tell the other heroes about this conversation.
Xaviar made him forget the incident before he could tell Reed Richards about this.
The same issue includes a split between Doom and Magneto; a creepy, barely-consensual makeout session between Magneto and the Wasp (after he kidnaps her); and the creation of Volcana and Titania.
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