When a muggle born is accepted into Hogwarts, a teacher comes and explains it to them and their parents as we see with Harry Potter. But what if the muggle-born child in an orphanage like Tom Riddle was.
In the scene when Dumbledore meets Tom for the first time, we see him explaining Hogwarts to him, but what does he say to the orphanage staff? What if they wanted to know more about the school like what subjects they teach. And in that scene we see Dumbledore leaving, how does Tom Riddle get to Diagon Alley? It is perfect reasonable that Dumbledore would have told him how to get there.
Or there is a explanation that another teacher came to help him buy his things, but then again what do they say to the staff? What if they wanted to help him? As it is unlikely that they would allow a orphanage to know about the existent of the wizarding world, they would need a certain explanation?
Sorry if I have got things a bit wrong, but it's been a long time since I've read the book. I'm asking in general if a hogwarts student is in a orphanage how would they explain it.
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