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crossovers - Can we identify all the characters in this Universe 113 poster?

I found this Universe: 113 Character Poster, which features a whole bunch of sci-fi characters.

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Who is everyone?


same image with areas numbered

Numbering levels 11–0 from top to bottom, going through each level from left to right (unknown images are in bold).


  • unknown 'Motel' sign on the left side

  • Flag of the Democratic Order Of Planets (Futurama) in the middle

  • Hatch to 'The Swan' facility (Lost) on the right side

Level 11 (Top)

  • [b] Vault hatch (Fallout)

  • [b] Rick Deckard (Blade Runner)

  • [c] Soul Edge, a sword (Soul Calibur)

  • [c] Philip J. Fry (Futurama) in cryotube

  • [c] Kaonashi or 'No-Face' (Spirited Away) eating the Animal King Turret (Portal 2)

  • [d] Cacodemon (DOOM) eating G-Man's briefcase (Half-Life)

  • [f] Death Claw (Fallout)

  • [f] Arthas the Lich King (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King)

  • [f] Computer with two dots from 'A Rickle in Time' (Rick and Morty)

Level 10

  • [c] DeLorean (Back to the Future)

  • [c] T1000 (standing) putting metal bar through T800's back (Terminator)

  • [d] Kratos (God of War), falling

  • [d] Bowser (Super Mario Brothers), falling

  • [d] 'Born' resistance poster (Half-Life 2), grafitti next to Bowser's head

  • [e] Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

  • [d-e] Unknown furnace, large red round body connected with tube to floor below and very thick black tube

  • [e] Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)

  • [e] Headcrabs (Half-Life) coming out of headcrab shell

  • [f] Shō Fukamachi (Bio Booster Armor Guyver)

Level 9

Level 9, E & F

  • [e] Poster with 'Earth' symbol (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • [e] Kodama, a tree spirit (Princess Mononoke), on crate below Avatar poster

  • [e] Orange portal (Portal), made by Krang

  • [e] Kaneda's bike (Akira)

  • [e] Krang (TMNT) holding a portal gun (Portal)

  • [e] Sokolov's Elixir poster (Dishonored)

  • [e] Dwarf Fortress poster

  • [e] Pitman's Adventures poster

  • [f] Walker Gear (Metal Gear Solid V)

  • [f] 'Lambda' graffiti (Half-Life)

Level 8

  • [b] Pinhead (Hellraiser)

  • [b] Horny (Dungeon Keeper 2)

  • [b] Briareos Hecatonchires (Appleseed)

  • [b] V (V for Vendetta) or D (Vampire Hunter D)

  • [b] Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

  • [b] Wurlitzer Jukebox (Possibly BioShock)

  • [b] Iron Giant's head (Iron Giant)

  • [b] Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher series)

  • [b] Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)

  • [b] Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)

  • [b] Worm aliens (Men In Black)

  • [b] The Player as an @ symbol (Nethack)

  • [c] Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim) in the little room below the bar

  • [c] The Unkindled (Dark Souls)

  • [c] Vectorman (Vectorman)

  • [c] Poster of Amon (Legend of Korra)

  • [d-e] Tachikoma, the spider tank (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex), fighting Ed-209 (Robocop) with a 'Horde' duel flag (World of Warcraft) in the foreground

  • [e] 'Fire' stone (Fifth Element) behind column

  • [f] Unknown hand reaching through the wall (Demogorgon from Stranger Things?)

Level 7

Level 7 F

  • [a] Corvo Attano (Dishonoured)

  • [b] [Transmutation circle (Fullmetal Alchemist)]fma

  • [b] Unknown tentacles

  • [c] 'Prawn' alien (District 9)

  • [c] Porco Rosso (Porco Rosso)

  • [c] CatDog (CatDog)

  • [d] Poster with 'Wind' symbol (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • [d] Robobrain (Fallout)

  • [d] Sentinel (Matrix)

  • [e] Anakin Skywalker's pod racer (Star Wars, Ep. I)

  • [e] Alien (Mars Attacks!)

  • [e] Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) sitting in pod racer (Star Wars, Ep. I)

  • [e] Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)

  • [f] Unknown object leaning against TV (looks like some sort of evil guitar?)

  • [f] The Marker (Dead Space) on the coffee table

  • [f] Squanchy (Rick and Morty) on the couch watching TV and holding something

  • [f] Samuel Hayden (Doom)

Level 6

Level 6 C

  • [a] Idol (Raiders of the Lost Ark), buried outside

  • [a] Tardis (Dr. Who)

  • [a] USS Enterprise (Star Trek) as a toy or model, lying on its side

  • [b] Pac-Man (Pac-Man), coming down the stairs and about to eat a cherry while chased by the ghosts Inky (Pac-Man), Sue (Ms Pac-Man), and Funky (Pac-Mania)

  • [c] Courage the Cowardly Dog (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

  • [c] Arzach (Mœbius's comics)

  • [c] Nausicaä's glider (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)

  • [c] Robot (Castle in the Sky) crushed beneath rubble

  • [d] The Iron Throne (Game of Thrones) with:

    • The Transistor, a large green sword (Transistor), lying across it

    • Kodama

  • [e] Spider mutation (The Thing) next to table

  • [e] Princess Mononoke's mask and knife (Princess Mononoke)

  • [e] 'Water' stone (Fifth Element) under mask and knife

Level 5

  • [a] Skull of Bart Simpson or his twin Hugo (The Simpsons), outside

  • [a] Finn and Jake (Adventure Time) hanging from wall

  • [a] Unknown skeleton

  • [a] Unknown axe lying on ground

  • [a] Infernal Troglodyte (Heroes of Might and Magic series)

  • [b] 'Earth' stone (Fifth Element) partly hidden behind floor 6 next to treasure pile

  • [b] unknown wand lying in treasure pile

  • [c] classroom with:

    • Spawn (Spawn) as the teacher

    • Stewie (Family Guy), first row

    • Zim (Invader Zim), first row

    • Pirana Plant (Super Mario Brothers), second row

    • Minion (Despicable Me), second row

    • Chappie, robot (Chappie)

    • Bart Simpson (The Simpsons), third row

    • Arnold (Hey Arnold), third row

  • [d] Isaac Clarke (Dead Space) climbing down ladder

  • [d] unknown humanoid sitting (Killy from Blame; Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil)

  • [e] Jar-Jar Binks (Star Wars) being eaten by a Mimic (Dungeons and Dragons; Terry Pratchett's Luggage has square teeth and many feet...)

  • [e] Eyebot (Fallout)

  • [f] Kang and Kodos's UFO (The Simpsons)

Level 4

  • [a] Mob and Dimple (Mob Psycho 100)

  • [a] X-16 'Miracle Machine' (STALKER), an enormous brain in a vat

  • [a] Kodama, tree spirit (Princess Mononoke)

  • [b] Alien eggs in the shadows (Alien series)

  • [b] Genos (One Punch Man) doing dishes

  • [b] Saitama, 'One-Punch Man' (One Punch Man), eating

  • [c] 'Silent Hill' symbol (Silent Hill) on wall above the Event Horizon core

  • [c] Koffing (Pokemon)

  • [d] Sad Keanu Reeves meme

  • [d] Tom and Jerry (Tom and Jerry, episode 'Blue Cat Blues')

  • [d] Big Mouth Billy Bass

  • [d] Saruman's Staff (Lord of the Rings)

  • [e] The Lexx, an organic insectoid spaceship (Lexx), in miniature form

  • [e] Chair used for hacking into the Matrix (Matrix)

  • [e] Caleb (Blood) on monitor

  • [e] Anomaly World Studio (image creators) logo on monitor

  • [f] Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro)

  • [f] Half-disassembled head of EVA Unit-01 or possibly Evangelion Simulator (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

  • [f] Kodama, tree spirit (Princess Mononoke)

  • [f] Poster with 'Fire' symbol (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Level 3

  • [a] Waldo (Where's Waldo?)

  • [a] X-16 'Miracle Machine' console (STALKER)

  • [b] Excalibur (Soul Eater)

  • [b] Poster with Water symbol (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • [c] Executioner (Alice: Madness Returns)

  • [c] Dickbutt (meme) on top bunk

  • [d] Gravity Drive or Core (Event Horizon)

  • [d] War (Darksiders)

  • [d] Shark (Jaws), fin in water

  • [d] Roger (American Dad)

  • [d] Diablo (Diablo)

  • [d] Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life)

  • [d] Beavis & Butthead (Beavis & Butthead)

  • [d] Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy) in a pot

  • [d] Prof. Howard Pitman standing in doorway

  • [d] Zerg hydralisk skull, from Raynor's ship (Starcraft II), mounted on the wall

  • [e-f] A movie set with:

    • A Langolier (The Langoliers)

    • [e] Sandworm head (Dune)

    • [e] Batman, Superman, and Flash suits; Batman cowl, Silver-Age Flash helmet, and Superman wig (DC Comics)

    • [e] Bill the Triangle (Gravity Falls), directing

    • [e] Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog), cameraman

    • [e] Stargate (Stargate and Stargate SG-1)

    • Ghost trap (Ghostbusters)

    • [f] Rubber suit filmed in a set of model skyscrapers (Godzilla)

    • [f] Lord Grievous in the Mysterious Forest (Star Wars), a separate image by the same artist, behind the Godzilla set

Level 2

Level 2 D

  • [a] unknown skeleton

  • [a] SCP-173 with Class-D personnel containing a possible breach (SCP)

  • [a] Slimer (Ghostbusters)

  • [c] The Black Sphere (Gantz) by the escalator

  • [c] Pepelats (Kin-dza-dza)

  • [c] Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (Fifth Element)

  • [c] unknown lizard-man (Kaiman from Dorohedoro?)

  • [c] Unknown man with shoulder spikes

  • [c] Facehugger (Alien series) in the circle

  • [c] Headcrab (Half-Life)

  • [d] Freddy Krueger's glove (Nightmare on Elm Street) in glass display

  • [d] Lightsaber (Star Wars) in glass display

  • [d] Noisy Cricket (Men in Black) in glass display

  • [d] Dagger of Time (Prince of Persia) in glass display

  • [d] Sauron's helmet (Lord of the Rings) on green counter

  • [d] Vault-Tec computer (Fallout) on green counter

  • [d] Crowbar (Half-Life) on green counter

  • [d] Gravity gun (Half-Life) on brown counter

  • [d] BFG9000 (Doom)

  • [d] Doomsday device (Futurama) on the corner just above Predator

  • [d] Pale Man (Pan's Labyrinth) behind the counter

  • [d] Carl 'CJ' Johnson (GTA: San Andreas) in front of counter

  • [f] Bender's head (Futurama), buried outside

Level 1

  • [a] Crocomire skull (Super Metroid) on bookcase

  • [a] Cthulhu (H.P. Lovecraft's stories)

  • [a] Hellboy (Hellboy)

  • [a] Wampa-skin carpet (Empire Strikes Back) underneath Hellboy and Cthulhu

  • [a] Lament Configuration (Hellraiser)

  • [b] Alien (Independence Day)

  • [c] Frank Horrigan or other Enclave power armor user (Fallout 2)

  • [d] Xenomorph (Alien series)

  • [d] Guts (Berzerk)

  • [e] Pearl, 'the fat vampire' (Blade)

Level 0 (Bottom)

Level 0 E

  • [a] 'Engineer Face' statue (Prometheus)

  • [a] Swordfish II, a spaceship (Cowboy Bebop)

  • [a] Eins, a dog (Cowboy Bebop)

  • [b] Josef, a robot (Machinarium)

  • [b] Harry Potter (Harry Potter series)

  • [b] Vestal (Darkest Dungeon) beside Harry Potter

  • [b] Fluffy, a three-headed dog (Harry Potter)

  • [b] 'Wind' stone (Fifth Element) under Fluffy

  • [d] Howl's Moving Castle (Howl's Moving Castle), the large wooden face

  • [e] Predator (Predator)

  • [e] A heptapod (Arrival), the star shape and tentacles above Predator, drawing a circular message in the air

  • [e] Wayne Holden (Lost Planet)

  • [f] GlaDOS (Portal)

  • [f] R2-D2 (Star Wars)

  • [f] Graffiti (Half-Life 2) on wall behind R2-D2

  • [f] Containment unit (Akira)

  • [f] Blue portal (Portal)

  • [f] unknown skeletons buried outside


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