In The Force Awakens, as Kylo Ren interrogates Rey, he tells her,
You've been so lonely. At night, desperate to sleep, you'd imagine an ocean. I can see it...I can see the island.
At the end of the film, Rey finds Luke Skywalker on a small rocky island in the middle of a large body of water.
The novelization says that the planet was
mostly ocean, dotted with a sprinkling of towering islands...
Is there any evidence that the island imagined by Rey is Luke's?
When Rey enters the tree on the island containing the sacred Jedi texts, she and Luke have the following exchange:
LUKE: You've seen this place.
REY: Only in dreams.
Thus, Rey confirms that she had imagined the island, or at least this specific location on it, before ever having set foot there.
Given her strong Force connection to the place (for instance, she hears whispers that draw her to the tree shortly after her arrival), it seems improbable that she had been imagining some island other than this one.
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