story identification - In what adaptation of Return of the Jedi did Jabba brag about killing Jedi in the old days?
For this answer, Where did the Millennium Falcon learn to communicate?, I remembered a bit of extra dialogue that was not in The Empire Strikes Back but was added for the radio play.
This just reminded me of another line, which I'm sure appeared in some adaptation of Return of the Jedi, even though it isn't in the movie. In this scene (which is essentially unchanged between all versions of the film), Jabba the Hutt mocks Luke, saying: "Your mind powers will not work on me boy." However, I remember a version of the story having a follow-up line that went something like: "I was killing your kind back when being a Jedi meant something." But what adaptation was this?
That's the James Kahn novelization. Your quote is pretty much verbatim.
Jabba smiled grimly. "Your mind powers won't work on me. I am not affected by your human thought patterns". Then, as an afterthought: " I was killing your kind when being a Jedi meant something."
(This is from the Kindle edition btw., in case someone wants to compare with the printed version).
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