I saw a video on YouTube showing the file on Agent Smith's desk talking about how Neo's birthdate was on September 11th. It's hard to read, and I’m not sure if this was conspiracy, truth, or half-truth.
Was this in the original movie at theatres then edited out by machine AI after the attacks? Are there connections? This might not be too relevant, but the main question is: is the birthdate of "Thomas Anderson" the 11th of September?
The date of expiration on his passport is 9/11/01 (11th September 2001).
The date of issuance is 9/12/91 (12th September 1991), precisely 20 years (minus one day) after his date of birth on 9/13/71 (13th September 1971).
Interestingly the date of birth on his security file is different, 03/11/62 (11th March 1962). Chalk this one down to a simple production error.
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