Prompted by a recent comment in chat from the greatly esteemed ♦TimPost, we know that they have a wide variety of foodstuff in the Star Wars Galaxy, but do we have any canon in-universe confirmations that they have butter?
For reference, I'm aware that they have blue milk (that could theoretically be churned into butter) and that in the SW:III Script, Obi Wan cuts through droids
as if they were made of butter
Note also that the wookiepedia article on butter doesn't appear to contain any canon sources, only outdated EU novels and comics.
Yes, they do.
In the new canon novel "Tarkin", we find the following passage:
Teller nodded. “Burned through the pirates’ armor like a knife through butter and blew the ship apart.” He turned to point to toggles on the control console. “Same system here.”
This would seem to indicate that not only is butter found in the Star Wars galaxy but that it's a common enough substance that it's used as a metaphor for something easy to cut through.
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