As we see here, in Star-Wars, cybernetics is preferred over cloning to replace a lost limb.
But what if the clone is already there? In the particular case of Clone Troopers is there any mention anywhere in EU that the organs of dead Clone Troopers are kept in a organ bank for future transplantation?
Two novels in the Star Wars expanded universe offer a lot of insight into clone trooper medical care: MedStar I: Battle Surgeons & MedStar II: Jedi Healer (2004) both written by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry. The books focus on Republic Mobile Surgical Units (RMSU) - (pronounced "rimsoos") on the front lines of the Clone Wars. Think of the RMSU's as Star Wars MASH units.
To answer your question, YES, doctors used organs and body parts of dead troopers to patch up wounded troopers. They also had a supply of freshly cloned organs to use.
And if you want more insight into life as a clone, check out the Republic Commando series of novels written by Karen Traviss:
Republic Commando: Hard Contact
Republic Commando: Triple Zero
Republic Commando: True Colors
Republic Commando: Order 66
Imperial Commando: 501st
In Republic Commando: True Colors, there's even a part where an injured clone is brain dead, but he's rescued from the hospital because if he's not fit to fight, then his body is just recycled back into stock. So basically, you only medically treat clones so much before they "total" the clone and put his parts to use for other clones who can be saved.
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