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star wars - Does R2D2 Try to Trick Luke in Episode V - Empire Strikes Back?

Immediately after leaving Hoth, Luke suddenly steers his X-Wing off course, and this exchange occurs:


Luke, looking thoughtful, suddenly makes a decision. He flips several switches. The stars shift as he takes his fighter into a steep turn. The X-wing banks sharply and flies away in a new direction.

The monitor screen on Luke's control panel prints out a question from the concerned Artoo.

LUKE (into comlink) There's nothing wrong, Artoo. I'm just setting a new course.

Artoo beeps once again.

LUKE (into comlink) We're not going to regroup with the others.

Artoo begins a protest, whistling an unbelieving, "What?!"

Luke reads Artoo's exclamation on his control panel.

LUKE (into comlink) We're going to the Dagobah system.

Luke checks his readouts and makes a few adjustments. He rides along with only the soft hum of the instruments to break the silence. Finally, Artoo chirps up.

LUKE (into comlink) Yes, Artoo?

Artoo utters a soft, carefully phrased stream of whistles.

LUKE (into comlink, chuckling) That's all right. I'd like to keep it on manual control for a while.

I've seen this movie and this scene dozens of times, but a few days ago I was watching it and suddenly realized that it seems like Luke catches R2D2 trying to trick him. The script seems to confirm this.

Here's the way I see it now: R2-D2 REALLY wants to go to the rendezvous and continue fighting for the rebellion. He is horrified when Luke tells him that is not what they are going to do. R2-D2 thinks about this for a while, then offers to take over flying the ship for Luke. R2-D2 is hoping that Luke will agree to this, and that R2 can secretly redirect the ship to the rendezvous while Luke is sleeping or simply isn't paying attention. Luke sees through the clever ruse and "chuckles", then says "That's all right. I'd like to keep it on manual control for a while". He chuckles and refuses to hand the controls over to R2 because he knows that if he lets R2 take over, the ship will end up at the rendezvous, not Dagobah.

Am I the only one who thinks this is what is going on?


The movie's official novelisation gives us a little more info about what Luke was seeing on the screen during his conversation with Artoo.

Apologies for the length, but it's all quite relevant.

“No,” Luke replied, “we’re not going to regroup with the others.”
This news startled Artoo, who immediately emitted a series of galvanic noises.
“We’re going to the Dagobah system,” answered Luke.
Again the robot beeped, calculating the amount of fuel carried by the X-wing.
“We have enough power.”
Artoo gave vent to a longer, singsong series of toots and whistles.
“They don’t need us there,” said Luke to the droid’s question about the planned Rebel rendezvous.

Artoo then gently beeped a reminder about Princess Leia’s order. Exasperated, the young pilot exclaimed, “I’m countermanding that order! Now, be still.”
The little droid fell silent. Luke was, after all, a commander in the Rebel Alliance and, as such, could countermand orders. He was making a few minor adjustments on the controls when Artoo chirped up again.
“Yes, Artoo,” sighed Luke.
This time the droid made a series of soft noises, selecting each beep and whistle carefully. He did not want to annoy Luke, but the findings on his computer were important enough to report. “Yes, Artoo, I know the Dagobah system doesn’t appear on any of our navigational charts. But don’t worry. It’s there.” Another worried beep from the R2 unit. “I’m very sure,” the youth said, trying to reassure his mechanical companion. Trust me.” Whether or not Artoo did trust the human being at the X-wing’s controls, he only vented a meek little sigh. For a moment he was completely silent, as if thinking. Then he beeped again.
“Yes, Artoo?”
This communication from the robot was even more carefully put forth than before—one might even call the whistle-sentences tactful. It seemed Artoo had no intention of offending the human to whom he had entrusted himself. But wasn’t it possible, the robot calculated, that the human’s brain was slightly malfunctioning? After all, he had lain a long time in the snowdrifts of Hoth. Or, another possibility computed by Artoo, perhaps the Wampa Ice Creature had struck him more seriously than Too-Onebee had diagnosed?. . .
“No,” Luke answered, “no headache. I feel fine. Why?”
Artoo’s chirp was coyly innocent.
“No dizziness, no drowsiness. Even the scars are gone.”
The next whistle rose questioningly in pitch.

“No, that’s all right, Artoo. I’d rather keep it on manual control for a while.”
Then the stout robot delivered a final whimper that sounded to Luke like a noise of defeat. Luke was amused by the droid’s concern for his health. “Trust me, Artoo,” Luke said with a gentle smile. “I know where I’m going and I’ll get us there safely. It’s not far.”

Note that per the new Canon rules, the novels are considered a true source of canon info about the Star Wars universe, but only where they expand on what's seen on screen (e.g. by showing what a character is thinking or explaining what we're seeing).

This means that the passage above contains a mix of canon and non-canon info. Use your judgment accordingly.


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