Everything that I seemed to know about the Star Wars universe indicated that in order to be successful at being a force user, the user required decades of training and experience. Which is why I thought that the Jedi trained their pupils from birth to be force users. The lengthy training period was also why the Jedi council said Anakin was too old, and subsequently why Yoda said Luke was too old to begin the training. This can be seen in comparing Luke's raw abilities in the original trilogy compared to that of the Jedi in the prequel trilogy.
However, in The Force Awakens,
Rey not only fends off Kylo Ren, she comes very close to killing him outright, even though she had never even held a lightsaber before.
This happens not long after
she uses her Force persuasion power to escape prison, despite not even believing she was Force sensitive until that point.
It doesn't make any sense that the fight wasn't over in a matter of seconds. What am I missing?
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