In what order and when were Voldemort's Horcruxes made? I found a list with destruction dates. But not creation date.
Here's what I came up with:
Diary of Tom Riddle - circa September 1943 - Following the death of Myrtle in circa May 1943, when Riddle released the Basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets. Tom Riddle's age: 16
Tom Riddle says that he placed his "sixteen-year-old self" into the diary ([CS17]), so he must have done it in the fall after the summer when he killed the Riddles and before he turned 17 at the end of December. His conversation with Slughorn where he learned about Horcruxes must have taken place after school started that September, so the timeframe for the creation of the diary Horcrux is between September and December, 1943. HP LEXICON
Peverell Ring - circa September - December 1943 - Following the deaths of Tom Riddle Sr. and Tom Riddle's grandparents. Tom Riddle's age: 16 (17 if he committed the murders on his birthday 12.31.1943)
Hufflepuff Cup - circa 1945/1946 - Following the murder of Hepzibah Smith. Tom Riddle's age: 19/20
Slytherin Locket - circa 1945/1946 - Following the murder of a Muggle tramp. Tom Riddle's age: 19/20
Note: The cup and the locket were stolen together by Voldemort, who then went underground. If a definitive source exists that verifies which Horcrux Voldemort made first - the cup or the locket - let me know.
Ravenclaw Diadem - circa 1956 - Following the murder of an Albanian peasant. After Dumbledore was made headmaster, Voldemort resurfaced and asked Dumbledore for the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, which Dumbledore denied him. It was during this visit that Voldemort was thought to have hidden the diadem in the Room of Requirement. Voldemort's age: ~30
Although Harry himself is not a Horcrux, the date the Avada Kedavra spell from Voldemort rebounded, latching a piece of Voldemort's soul onto Harry, is 10.31.81. Voldemort's age: ~55
In circa August 1991, Voldemort inhabits Professor Quirrell's body, using him as a life vessel since Voldemort is still in spirit form. According to J.K. Rowling on Pottermore, Quirrell became "a temporary Horcrux" and is completely subjugated by Voldemort. Voldemort's age: ~65 source: Quirrel's entry by JKR on Pottermore
Nagini - circa 1994 - Following the murder of Ministry of Magic employee Bertha Jorkins in Albania where, presumably, Voldemort and Wormtail have been residing. Voldemort's age: ~68
I make no claims that this timeline is perfect and I did adjust dates when they didn't match what is known from canon.
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