In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor and other Asgardians don't appear to have visited the Earth for a considerable amount of time, certainly not after the English language was created.
Since there are have been no "recent" interactions between the humans and Asgardians, how are they able to understand and speak English?
In the comics, this is thanks to something they call:
All-Tongue or AllSpeak: "When Thor speaks with the All-Tongue anyone who hears him will hear him speak their native language in their hearts" (from Thor's wiki page)
In the absence of further information, it seems likely to assume the same is true of Marvel Movie Asgardians as well - though given the whole 'Our magic is just extremely advanced science' instead of 'we are actually godly beings' angle, it's also likely to assume that the AllSpeak ability stems from something different - the "tech" behind Movie-verse Allspeak might very well be some kind of translator microbes (or an invisible wearable computer "aura" perhaps)
(I knew of the All-Tongue idea as 'general knowledge' but I'm having hard time finding references to it, outside of that one place in wiki (which cites Thor #617) so I'm now unsure how common this idea really is. If anyone has better references please feel free to add.)
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