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game of thrones - What were Bran and Rickon Stark supposed to do when they grew up?

Assuming neither of them ended up becoming the eldest living son (that is, had Robb Stark survived to adulthood), what was expected of the younger Stark sons, Bran and Rickon?

As I understand it, Robb, as first born male, would inherit the titles of Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and all the land of Winterfell to go with it. The girls, Sansa and Arya, would most likely be married to secure alliances with other powerful houses. Jon, as a bastard, wouldn't have had many useful prospects, which is a large part of why he decides to join the Night Watch.

But what about the other two boys?

I checked on the Game of Thrones wiki for a while but I saw no information about what the younger Starks were supposed to do when they got older. Would they inherit "smaller" portions of Winterfell or the north? Would they need to marry themselves to another house in order to "earn" their own "domains"?


There are a number of institutions in Westeros offering "careers" for younger sons of noblemen:

  • Night's Watch: They could have followed in Jon Snow's footsteps.

  • Maester: Similarly to Aemon of the Night's Watch, they could have trained as Maesters of the Citadel.

  • Septon: If they chose to follow their mother Catelyn in worshipping the Seven gods of the south, Bran or Rickon could have become septons.

  • Kingsguard: If they were sufficiently skilled at arms, they would have been welcome in the Kingsguard.

There are also less formal options:

  • Family lieutenant: Kevan Lannister helps his older brother Tywin in war and administration. Similarly, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully spent time in the service of his niece Lysa, and later fighting on behalf of Robb Stark. They won't inherit any of the family lands, but they gain significant renown and (in Kevan's case) wealth in their own rights.

  • Independent adventurer: The most spectacular example is Euron Greyjoy, who sailed off to parts unknown while his brother Balon Greyjoy ruled the Iron Islands.

  • Combination: Oberyn Martell had many colourful adventures on his own, in addition to serving as an emissary for his brother Doran Martell.


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