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game of thrones - Which known Targaryens had personal coat of arms in addition to the three headed dragon of House Targaryen?

As the title says, which known Targaryens had personal coat of arms in addition to the three headed dragon of House Targaryen (a red three-headed dragon, breathing flame on black) and what were those customized arms?

The character must have a Targaryen father and legitimacy doesn't count.


I'm focusing my answer on bastard sons; Aegon's answer has covered pretty much all the legitimate Targaryens, there is no point to duplicate information

The most famous bastard sons of House Targaryen were the Great Bastards of Aegon IV; in his deathbed, the King legitimized them all, causing five major rebellions and more than sixty years of troubles; all the males had a personal Coat of Arms derived in part of the standard Targaryen three-headed dragon.

  • Daemon I Blackfyre

    He was the most important of the bastard sons of Aegon IV; his father also gave him Blackfyre, the sword of Aegon I, that was considered the real royal heirloom, a symbol of the royalty itself more than a crown.
    Because of this, he was a pretender to the throne, contesting the succession and legitimacy to rule of Daeron II. He founded House Blackfyre (named after the sword), and all of his successors bore his arms.
    In his personal arms, he reversed the colors of the Targaryen Coat of Arms: they depicted a black three-headed dragon on a red field.

    enter image description here

  • Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers

    He was the son of Aegon IV and his fifth mistress Barba Bracken.
    He was famous fer being the founder and first commander of the Golden Company, the mercenary company that supported many of the Blackfyre Rebellions. One of the mottos of the company was "Beneath the Gold, the Bitter Steel", referencing both the Nickname of Aegor Rivers and the fact that their emblem is a pike supporting the gilded skulls of the previous commanders.
    In his personal arms he combined the Coat of Arms of his parents' Houses; they depicted a fire-breathing red stallion with black wings on a golden field.

    enter image description here

  • Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers

    He was the son of Aegon IV and his sixth mistress Melissa Blackwood. Being a loyalist during the Blackfyre Rebellions, he served as the Hand for various Targaryen Kings; he was feared by both friends and enemies, he was the head of a vast network of spies and was even reputed a sorceror.
    He adopted a Coat of Arms inspired by his own appearance; he was an albino, and his arms depicted a red eyed White Dragon on a black field.

    enter image description here

  • Orys Baratheon

    Orys Baratheon was a friend, companion and supposed half-brother of Aegon the Conqueror, being rumored to be a bastard son of his father Aerion.
    He was a commander during the Wars of Conquest, and had a pivotal role in the conquest of the Stormlands; after the defeat of the last Storm King, Argilac Durrandon "the Arrogant", he married his daughter Argella and took the crowned stag of House Durrandon as his own arms.

    enter image description here

House Blackfyre was born when Daemon I rebelled against the rule of Daeron II (see above). It can be considered an illegitimate cadet branch of the Targaryens by all means.
Their members bore the reversed arms of Daemon I as their House arms.

  • Daemon II Blackfyre

    He was the son of Daemon I, and became the head of his House when his father and his senior twin sons, Aegon and Aemon, died on the battle known as the Redgrass Field.

    He was the pretender during the Second Blackfyre Rebellion. He usually bore the standard Blacfyre arms; during the preparation of the rebellion, he hid his real identity and disguised himself as a hedge knight named John the Fiddler.
    Likewise, he took different arms while under cover: they depicted an engrailed golden cross on a blue field, charged with a golden fiddle on the first and third quarters, and a golden sword on the second and fourth ones. It is not known why he chose these arms, but probably they were taken just because they were something completely unrelated to his House's.

    enter image description here


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